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Thank you for using ArkansasIDEAS for your professional development needs.

Please read the following carefully before beginning your application process:
  • This service is for licensed and non-licensed K-12 Arkansas school employees, including teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and support staff.
  • The system verifies users through the Arkansas Educator Licensure System (AELS)
  • It is important that the fields listed below match what is listed in the Arkansas AELS system.
  • If enrolled in an educator preparation program, eligibility for an ArkansasIDEAS account begins once a state background check with the Arkansas Department of Education is verified and the individual is listed in the AELS database.
For assistance, please contact the ArkansasIDEAS Help Desk:​
Phone: (800) 488-6689
Mon-Fri | 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Closed on Arkansas State Holidays
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