Topic outline
- Professional Development Toolkit
Professional Development Toolkit
The Toolkit for Quality Professional Development addresses seven major areas related to planning, implementing, and evaluating high quality professional development. This work is based on the Arkansas Rules Governing Professional Development and the National Staff Development Council’s (NSDC) Standards for Staff Development.
- Standard Assessment Inventory (SAI)
Standard Assessment Inventory (SAI)
The Standard Assessment Inventory (SAI) is a perceptual survey used to gather data about the perceptions of implementation of the Learning (formerly NSDC) standards for professional development.
- Suicide and Prevention Toolkit
Suicide and Prevention Toolkit
Resources for School/District PLCs:
Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools was funded by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to help high schools, school districts, and their partners design and implement strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health among their students.
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools was collaboratively developed to assist schools in the aftermath of a suicide (or other death) in the school community. Because neither American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) nor Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) have the capacity to provide customized technical assistance in these circumstances, this toolkit was created to help schools determine what to do, when, and how. It is a highly practical resource for schools facing real-time crises. While designed specifically to address the aftermath of suicide, schools will find it useful following other deaths as well.
- Reading First
Reading First
Extensive reading resources for grades K-3
- STEM Foundations
STEM Foundations
ADE, in partnership with Teacher Created Materials and AETN and ArkansasIDEAS, has developed an evidence-based classroom STEM education resource program to support educators in K-12 classrooms. These resources specifically focus on classroom-level instructional strategies, materials, and assessments. This program will directly assist teachers in learning practical, standards-based strategies that support the seven STEM Foundations.
- Computer Science Initiative
Computer Science Initiative
This video is for use in K-12 institutional settings, classes, and trainings only. It may be screened in these settings for group or individual professional development. It also may be screened for K-12 students for educational purposes.
NOTICE: This video MAY NOT be streamed outside of the ArkansasIDEAS LMS platform, recorded, or rebroadcast via other online and/or digital means. This video MAY NOT be used in college and/or university programs or at college and/or university facilities. Post-secondary programs wanting to screen this video should contact Women Make Movies to purchase the Unsung Women of Computing collection of The Computers, The Coders, and The Future Makers videos.
These videos are being provided by the Arkansas Department of Education Office of Computer Science. To inquire about additional in-state screening opportunities, please contact the office at 501-682-4475.
Arkansas Computer Science Implementation for 2017-18
- Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education
- Facilitated Training Resources
Facilitated Training Resources
The resources on this page are for PD facilitators and school administrators who would like to use ArkansasIDEAS video segments within local face-to-face PD sessions.